Results for 'Christian F. Feest'

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  1.  12
    Das Unverständliche, das Fremde und das Übernatürliche: Schlangen in religiöser Vorstellung und Praxis im indigenen Nordamerika.Christian F. Feest - 2007 - In Erhard Schüttpelz, Thomas Hensel & Cora Bender, Schlangenritual: Der Transfer der Wissensformen Vom Tsu'ti'kive der Hopi Bis Zu Aby Warburgs Kreuzlinger Vortrag. Akademie Verlag. pp. 119-152.
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    Indians of Northeastern North America.Christian F. Feest - 1986 - Brill.
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    Descriptive Psychology and Völkerpsychologie—in the Contexts of Historicism, Relativism, and Naturalism.Christian Damböck, Uljana Feest & Martin Kusch - 2020 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 10 (1):226-233.
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    Orientierung durch Universalisierung: Der Kategorische Imperativ als Test für die Moralität von Maximen.Christian F. R. Illies - 2007 - Kant Studien 98 (3):306-328.
    I. Die Doppelfunktion des Kategorischen Imperativs Der Kategorische Imperativ hat in Kants Ethik eine Doppelfunktion: Er ist einerseits das oberste Prinzip der Vernunftmoral und zugleich ein Test bzw. eine „Probe“ für Maximen des Handelns . Bestehen Maximen den Test, dann ist es zulässig oder sogar geboten, nach ihnen zu handeln; bestehen sie den Test nicht, so sind ihnen entsprechende Handlungen unmoralisch und verboten.
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    A Filosofia Em Discurso Indireto Livre.Christian F. R. Guimarães Vinci - 2018 - Kínesis - Revista de Estudos Dos Pós-Graduandos Em Filosofia 10 (25):98-110.
    O artigo em questão procurará pensar o tratamento dado por Gilles Deleuze ao Discurso Indireto Livre [DIL] ao longo de sua obra, escrita ou não em parceria com Félix Guattari. Compreendido como uma estratégia discursiva, partimos da hipótese que o DIL possui um papel singular do exercício filosófico de Deleuze em relação à História da Filosofia.; permitindo-lhe escapar da função repressora que essa exerceria sobre o pensamento. Por permitir uma despersonificação do próprio filosofar, ademais, o DIL possibilitaria transmutar a filosofia (...)
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    Dualitäten.Christian F. Hoffstadt (ed.) - 2012 - Bochum: Projektverlag.
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    Nur Emotionen?: Einblicke aus Medizin, Kunst und Geisteswissenschaften.Christian F. Hoffstadt (ed.) - 2016 - [Bochum]: Projekt Verlag.
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    Was bewegt uns?: Menschen im Spannungsfeld zwischen Mobilität und Beschleunigung.Christian F. Hoffstadt (ed.) - 2010 - Bochum: Projekt.
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    On Deliberative Democracy.Christian F. Rostboll - 2001 - SATS 2 (2):166-181.
    This review essay discusses six key works on deliberative democracy published 1996-2000. It deals with issues such as constraints on, intrinsic value of, and fora of deliberation, as well as the place of rhetoric in deliberative democracy and the charge of rationalism. The author is critical of "the Rawlsian turn" in theories of deliberation and argues for a more radically democratic version of the ideal.
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    Democratic respect and compromise.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2017 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 20 (5):619-635.
  11.  51
    Kant and the critique of the ethics-first approach to politics.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (1):55-70.
    Contemporary ‘realists’ attack the Kantian influence on political philosophy. A main charge is that Kantians fail to understand the specificity of politics and neglect to develop a ‘distinctively political thought’ that differs from moral philosophy. Instead, the critics say, Kantians are guilty of an ‘ethics-first approach to politics,’ in which political theory is a mere application of moral principles. But what does this ethics-first approach have to do with Kant himself? Very little. This article shows how Kant’s approach to political (...)
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    Autonomy, Respect, and Arrogance in the Danish Cartoon Controversy.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2009 - Political Theory 37 (5):623-648.
    Autonomy is increasingly rejected as a fundamental principle by liberal political theorists because it is regarded as incompatible with respect for diversity. This article seeks, via an analysis of the Danish cartoon controversy, to show that the relationship between autonomy and diversity is more complex than often posited. Particularly, it asks whether the autonomy defense of freedom of expression encourages disrespect for religious feelings. Autonomy leads to disrespect for diversity only when it is understood as a character ideal that must (...)
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  13.  42
    Non-domination and democratic legitimacy.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2015 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 18 (4):424-439.
  14.  89
    Freedom of expression, deliberation, autonomy and respect.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2011 - European Journal of Political Theory 10 (1):5-21.
    This paper elaborates on the deliberative democracy argument for freedom of expression in terms of its relationship to different dimensions of autonomy. It engages the objection that Enlightenment theories pose a threat to cultures that reject autonomy and argues that autonomy-based democracy is not only compatible with but necessary for respect for cultural diversity. On the basis of an intersubjective epistemology, it argues that people cannot know how to live on mutually respectful terms without engaging in public deliberation and developing (...)
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  15.  61
    Deliberative Democracy and the Institutions of Judicial Review by Christopher F. Zurn.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2010 - Constellations 17 (2):366-369.
  16. Preferences and Paternalism.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2005 - Political Theory 33 (3):370-396.
    This article discusses the relationship between the ideal of autonomous preference formation and the danger of paternalism in deliberative democratic theory. It argues that the aim of autonomous preference formation can and should be decoupled from a justification of paternalistic state action aimed at reshaping citizens’ preferences. The problem of non autonomous preference formation is rooted in the communication structure in which each and every one forms her preferences and hence cannot be solved by some paternalistically judging on others’ behalf. (...)
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    The Non‐instrumental Value of Democracy: The Freedom Argument.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2015 - Constellations 22 (2):267-278.
  18. Kantian Autonomy and Political Liberalism.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2011 - Social Theory and Practice 37 (3):341-364.
    Political liberals argue that the classical conception of autonomy must be discarded because it is sectarian and metaphysical. This article rejects that a commitment to autonomy necessarily leads to sectarianism and questions the notion that respect for persons is separable from the commitment to autonomy. It defends a Kantian approach to autonomy, as belonging to the standpoint of practical reason, and argues that in this approach autonomy is a norm regulating how we should treat each other as opposed to a (...)
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  19.  51
    Dissent, criticism, and transformative political action in deliberative democracy.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2009 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 12 (1):19-36.
  20. Las respuestas académicas a la objeción de apraxia.Christian F. Pineda-Pérez - 2018 - Praxis Filosófica 46:221-42.
    En este artículo reconstruyo y analizo las respuestas de los escépticos académicos a la objeción de apraxia. Esta objeción afirma que el escepticismo es una doctrina imposible de practicar puesto que sus tesis conducen a la apraxia, esta es, un estado de privación o imposibilidad de acción. Las respuestas a la objeción se dividen en dos clases. La primera prueba que el asentimiento no es una condición necesaria para realizar acciones, por lo que la recomendación escéptica de suspender global y (...)
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  21.  25
    Mnemonic networks in the hippocampal formation: From spatial maps to temporal and conceptual codes.Branka Milivojevic & Christian F. Doeller - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (4):1231.
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  22. Introduction : compromise and disagreement.Christian F. Rostbøll & Theresa Scavenius - 2017 - In Christian F. Rostbøll & Theresa Scavenius, Compromise and Disagreement in Contemporary Political Theory. New York: Routledge.
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    Emancipation or accommodation?Christian F. Rostbøll - 2008 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 34 (7):707-736.
    The development of the theory of deliberative democracy has culminated in a synthesis between Rawlsian political liberalism and Habermasian critical theory. Taking the perspective of conceptions of freedom, this article argues that this synthesis is unfortunate and obscures some important differences between the two traditions. In particular, the idea of internal autonomy, which was an important, implicit idea in the ideology critique of the earlier Habermas, falls out of view. There is no room for this dimension of freedom in political (...)
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  24.  64
    Populism, democracy, and the publicity requirement.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2023 - Constellations 30 (3):276-289.
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    Artists and Traditions: Uses of the Past in Chinese Cultures.Jonathan W. Best & Christian F. Murck - 1982 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 102 (1):151.
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  26. Darwin and Philosophy.Vittorio G. Hösle & Christian F. Illies (eds.) - 2005 - Notre Dame University Press.
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  27.  16
    Adaptive cognitive maps for curved surfaces in the 3D world.Misun Kim & Christian F. Doeller - 2022 - Cognition 225 (C):105126.
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    The ideal of humanity and universal federation.Karl Christian F. Krause & William Hastie - 1900 - Edinburgh,: T. & J. Clark. Edited by W. Hastie.
    The ideal of humanity.--The federation of humanity.--The moral progress of humanity.
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    Os doces frutos da colônia: flora, conservas e compotas na América portuguesa quinhentista.Julianna Morcelli Oliveros & Christian F. M. Dos Santos - 2014 - Dialogos 18 (isupl):237-280.
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  30. Compromise and toleration : responding to disagreement.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2017 - In Christian F. Rostbøll & Theresa Scavenius, Compromise and Disagreement in Contemporary Political Theory. New York: Routledge.
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    Freedom as Satisfaction? A Critique of Frankfurt's Hierarchical Theory of Freedom.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2004 - SATS 5 (1):131-146.
    This article is a critical assessment of Harry Frankfurt's hierarchical theory of freedom. It spells out and distinguishes several different and irreconcilable conceptions of freedom present in Frankfurt's work. I argue that Frankfurt is ambiguous in his early formulation as to what conception of freedom of the will the hierarchical theory builds on, an avoidability or a satisfaction conception. This ambiguity causes problems in his later attempts to respond to the objections of wantonness of second-order desires and of infinite regress. (...)
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  32.  32
    Freedom in the External Relation of All Human Beings: On Kant’s Cosmopolitanism.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2020 - Kantian Review 25 (2):243-265.
    An influential interpretation of Kant’s Doctrine of Right suggests that the relationship between public right and freedom is constitutive rather than instrumental. The focus has been on domestic right and members’ relations to their own state. This has resulted in a statist bias which has not adequately dealt with the fact that Kant regards public right as a system composed of three levels – domestic, international and cosmopolitan right. This article suggests that the constitutive relationship is between all levels of (...)
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    From the Standpoint of Practical Reason: A Reply to Tønder.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (3):386 - 393.
  34.  23
    The philosophy of Simone de Beauvoir: Ambiguity, conversion, resistance.Christian F. Rostbøll - 2010 - Contemporary Political Theory 9 (2):256-258.
  35. Christian Damböck, Deutscher Empirismus: Studien zur Philosophie im deutschsprachigen Raum 1830–1930. [REVIEW]Uljana Feest - 2018 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 8 (Fall 2018):480-485.
  36.  76
    Functional connectomics from resting-state fMRI.Stephen M. Smith, Diego Vidaurre, Christian F. Beckmann, Matthew F. Glasser, Mark Jenkinson, Karla L. Miller, Thomas E. Nichols, Emma C. Robinson, Gholamreza Salimi-Khorshidi & Mark W. Woolrich - 2013 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 17 (12):666-682.
  37. Branigan, HP, B13.V. Christian, N. le CrawfordGrosset, F. W. Hesse, J. Huttenlocher, G. Kempen, U. Oestermeier, H. K. J. van der Lely & T. Vosse - 2000 - Cognition 75:267.
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    After Derrida.Christian Delacampagne & David F. Bell - 2005 - Substance 34 (1):18-24.
  39. Inhibition, local excitatory interactions and synchronization of epileptiform activity in hippocampal slices.F. E. Dudek & E. P. Christian - 1987 - Journal of Mind and Behavior 8 (4):619-633.
  40. Droit naturel. Relancer l'histoire?L.-L. Christians, F. Coppens, X. Dijon, P. Favraux, G. Fiasse, J.-M. Longneaux & M. Ruol (eds.) - 2008
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    Gesammelte kleine philosophische Schriften.Christian Wolff & F. H. G. - 1736 - New York: G. Olms. Edited by Gottlieb Friedrich Hagen.
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    Die Schule Kants: Mit dem Text von Christian Schiffert über das Königsberger Collegium Fridericianum.Heiner F. Klemme & Christian Schiffert - 1994 - Meiner, F.
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    Instance‐based learning in dynamic decision making.Cleotilde Gonzalez, Javier F. Lerch & Christian Lebiere - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (4):591-635.
    This paper presents a learning theory pertinent to dynamic decision making (DDM) called instancebased learning theory (IBLT). IBLT proposes five learning mechanisms in the context of a decision‐making process: instance‐based knowledge, recognition‐based retrieval, adaptive strategies, necessity‐based choice, and feedback updates. IBLT suggests in DDM people learn with the accumulation and refinement of instances, containing the decision‐making situation, action, and utility of decisions. As decision makers interact with a dynamic task, they recognize a situation according to its similarity to past instances, (...)
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    Infant-directed speech supports phonetic category learning in English and Japanese.Janet F. Werker, Ferran Pons, Christiane Dietrich, Sachiyo Kajikawa, Laurel Fais & Shigeaki Amano - 2007 - Cognition 103 (1):147-162.
  45.  74
    A Social‐Cognitive Framework of Multidisciplinary Team Innovation.Susannah B. F. Paletz & Christian D. Schunn - 2010 - Topics in Cognitive Science 2 (1):73-95.
    The psychology of science typically lacks integration between cognitive and social variables. We present a new framework of team innovation in multidisciplinary science and engineering groups that ties factors from both literatures together. We focus on the effects of a particularly challenging social factor, knowledge diversity, which has a history of mixed effects on creativity, most likely because those effects are mediated and moderated by cognitive and additional social variables. In addition, we highlight the distinction between team innovative processes that (...)
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    Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]Christian K. Wedemeyer, June McDaniel, Werner F. Menski, Narasingha P. Sil, Douglas Allen, Michael H. Fisher, James Kenneth Powell, Michael H. Fisher, J. Soni, John Powers, Karen Pechilis Prentiss, Paul Donnelly, Klaus Witz & Richard Barz - 1999 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 3 (2):199-220.
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    Book reviews and notices. [REVIEW]Christian K. Wedemeyer, June McDaniel, Werner F. Menski, Narasingha P. Sil, Douglas Allen, Michael H. Fisher, I. I. Powell, J. Soni, John Powers, Karen Pechilis Prentiss, Paul Donnelly, Klaus Witz & Richard Barz - 1999 - International Journal of Hindu Studies 3 (2):199-220.
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  48. Hegel: The Letters.Clark Butler and Christiane Seiler & Clark Butler G. W. F. Hegel - 1984 - Indiana University Press.
    740 page life in letters, including all Hegel's available letters at time of publication by Indiana University Press in 1984 tied together by a running commentary by Clark Butler. The volume is in a searchable PDF format. Publication was supported by a Major Grant by the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH).
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  49. Marriott Wardman Park Hotel, Washington, DC January 7–8, 2009.Barbara F. Csima, Inessa Epstein, Rahim Moosa, Christian Rosendal, Jouko Väänänen & Ali Enayat - 2009 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 15 (2).
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    Molecular vacancies in herringbone crystals.Lawrence F. Drummy §, Christian Kübel & David C. Martin - 2004 - Philosophical Magazine 84 (19):1955-1976.
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